Digital Marketing: what’s that anyway? Part 2

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If you haven’t already, go see the first part of this article, then come back to read Part 2.

Digital Marketing tools


SEMrush is a complete tool that helps track the performance of organic keywords in search results.

Whether it’s to perform a full scale SEO research on your website or to get ideas for PPC (pay per click) campaigns, SEMrush is a great tool for any sort of marketing online. Much of you’re planning and strategy can benefit by using this tool.


If you’re looking for a tool that will help you with email marketing, MailChimp may just be the thing for you.

With MailChimp, you can send emails, create and send autoresponders (pre-written emails sent), do marketing automation, and see detailed reports on our campaigns.

You also have a number of email templates that you can choose, with the added bonus that they are responsive (adapt to mobile devices).

Survey Monkey

Knowing what your prospects and clients want is critical to your success. This is where Survey Monkey shines.

Survey Monkey is a free tool (also has paid plans) that allows you to get feedback from your subscribers, prospects and clients.

It’s free up to 100 surveys. If you need more, you can sign a paid plan with them.

More tools

The above was just a small sample of tools that you can use to make your life easier when it comes to digital marketing. There are a number of other tools you can use, but these ones will get you started on the right foot.

How to learn Digital Marketing

Now that you know what digital marketing is and how it can help you reach your goals, you can go deeper and learn on how to get onto the next level.

Remember it’s not just about learning, it’s also about implementing. Knowledge without action won’t get you far.

Find information online

EBooks, webinars, guides, videos, blog posts: you have a wide range of content available on the internet to learn. All of these resources can be a great source of knowledge so you can educate yourself on almost any subject.

Some examples would be learning about how to measure and track your data with Google Analytics, learn about ads (on Facebook, Instagram and AdWords), how to write copy, create and optimize landing pages.

Keep up to date

Find a blog you like? Subscribe to their newsletter to get their posts on your inbox. Following good writers and blogs that publish good content will help you keep up to date with trends in digital marketing.

Besides subscribing to their newsletter, you can follow these blogs on social networks and add them to your RSS reader, without having to visit their website every day.

HubSpot, an inbound marketing company, has created a list with the top 50 marketing blogs on the web. Check out at least some of them because they have great content.

Look for training/consulting

Even though the internet has a number of resources available, being able to learn from someone else will give you a head start.

Specific training or consulting can be custom tailored to your company needs, and that can make all the difference when it comes to learning material and applying that knowledge to your business.

How to choose a good digital marketing agency

Now that you know the advantages of digital marketing and why you should use it in your business, here comes the question: how to choose a digital marketing agency?

You can do a thorough research on reputable and available agencies that offer these services. Check their clients, their testimonials, and their blogs. Do they have a good portfolio, what clients have they worked with, and above all, are they happy with the results?

Don’t be afraid to ask

Think about your goals and why you’d want to use digital marketing in your business. Don’t be afraid to ask question to the agency you’re considering hiring: are your goals aligned with the services the agency offers?

What is their team like? Do they write good content to help their users? Find out who their clients are, and how they work. Have a meeting with them to get to know them better.

How does the agency measures and tracks results?

A good agency will be able to show you the metrics they use to measure results based on your business goals.

In digital marketing it’s essential that you know the metrics by which you can track your performance and know what’s working and what’s not.

You’ll at least want to know your CPC (cost per click) and CPL (cost per lead) in order to make some assumptions and get guidance from the digital agency.

Ask the agency to show you case studies with other clients and the benefits they were able to bring to the table. Make sure the agency was able to deliver results, has the know-how and a solid team before working with them.

What are the agency’s qualifications?

Find out if the agency has a good reputation working in this industry and if the professionals working there seem qualified for the job.

Has the agency started any recent interesting projects with notable clients? Has it been recognized by any work they’ve done for past clients? Do they have any special status in their market? Know exactly who they are before deciding to work with them.

And finally: don’t be a cheapster 🙂

Don’t fall in the trap of hiring the cheapest just to save some change.

It’s better to invest more in a professional agency than wanting to save a few quid, euros or dollars, by hiring someone cheaper that will eventually give you headaches.

Be smart with your budget, but also with your time and your sanity. Better to spend a bit more now by hiring a good certified agency than wasting time and business opportunities just because you wanted to save some resources.


Digital marketing can provide a complete strategy for success in business. It involves a series of actions and advanced planning, but with the right strategies and tools, you can implement a plan that will make sense for your business.

There is still room for improvement in digital marketing, and little by little, marketers and companies are becoming more receptive to investing in digital, leaving some of the traditional marketing behind, in order to get more serious on the internet.

If your company is not investing in digital marketing, you may be losing out. It’s time to start considering this digital avenue more seriously, because the results can be outstanding.

We hope this article has helped you in taking the first step to understand the potential of digital marketing and how you can leverage it to your needs.

If you have questions, feel free to share in the comments or ask how we can help.

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